
We are pleased to present the Firm’s transparency report in respect of the year ended 30 April 2019. This report has been prepared in accordance with requirements of the Transparency Report provisions of Article 13 of the Audit Regulation No 537/2014 issued by the European Union.

This report is designed to provide an overview of our structure, our values as a firm, the policies and procedures we have in place to ensure the maintenance of audit quality, and our focus on training.

As required by Article 13, we confirm on behalf of the Board that the Firm’s quality control procedures are effective and demonstrates compliance with the requirements of International Standard on Quality Control (UK) 1 (“ISQC(UK)1”) in respect of audit work conducted by the Firm.

View / Download 2019 report

We are pleased to present the Firm’s transparency report in respect of the year ended 30 April 2018

View / Download 2018 report


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